General, or uniform, corrosion is usually the least threatening type of attack because associated metal loss is distributed over a wide surface area. This allows predicting the probable life of equipment with some degree of accuracy. Unfortunately, most corrosion encountered in engineering...
Although the anticorrosion coating combination of fusion-bonded epoxy (FBE) with abrasion-resistant overcoat (ARO) is well known within the oil and gas industry, ARO coating systems are not typically chosen by specifiers in the municipal water industry. However, a recent water pipeline project...
Maintenance of Protective Coating Systems One way to maintain protective coating systems – although expensive – is to apply the coating system during new construction and allow it to deteriorate with age until the coating can be totally removed by abrasive blasting and completely replaced. A...
Corrosion engineers are familiar with the galvanic series,1 which lists “noble” and “active” metals, and with galvanic corrosion—often referred to as two-metal or dissimilar-metal corrosion. They may well have encountered examples of galvanic corrosion during their field or plant work. This...
The AMPP Podcasts series is a collection of free audio podcasts by the Association for Materials Protection and Performance. With our podcasts, industry experts come together to delve into cutting-edge topics in materials protection, corrosion control, and coatings, offering insightful...
Protect & Perform This blog focuses on delivering curated content from AMPP’s respected media to educate, provide insight, and offer answers to your leading questions on coatings, corrosion control, and asset protection. View Articles EAPA News This newsletter features global coatings...
AMPP Media AMPP offers various print and digital publications focused on corrosion control, protective coatings, corrosion mitigation, and coatings performance. Our publications feature insights from global experts, including the latest research, best practices, and case studies, to keep...
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