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The Bridge Technical Community of Interest is a group of professionals (both AMPP members and nonmembers) that will include, owners, manufacturers, consultants, contractors and others who have come together to share and discuss issues affecting the bridge industry and new and emerging technology. Through the shared knowledge of this diverse group, both geographically and from varying viewpoints, information can be discussed about current issues for both the design phase and construction phase. This can include the selection of containment to surface preparation and materials, abrasives, coatings, solvents, etc. during the design phase and issues during the actual construction phase with the contractor’s submittals, means and methods. The sharing of knowledge on how to deal with structural issues that could be detrimental to the life of the newly applied system can be discussed along with new and emerging technologies and how they can be incorporated into bridge coatings to streamline those processes and possibly lower the overall costs.

SSPC-QP 7 revision - need DPM for document revision

  • 1.  SSPC-QP 7 revision - need DPM for document revision

    Posted 02-19-2024 02:06 PM

    SSPC-QP 7, "Procedure for Evaluating Coating Contractors With Limited Work Experience", had a working group convened in 2023 for the next revision, but we have lost our DPM. The working group still stands.

    Reminder: This standard was intended as an entry-level accreditation to avoid "restraint of trade" issues when requiring QP 1. The idea was that this accreditation would be held for a year but then not renewed--rather, the contractor would upgrade to QP 1. My understanding is that the idea came from the DOT sector.

    We once need a DPM to lead this effort. Anyone interested, or know anyone interested? You do NOT have to be a member of SC 25 to be a DPM. (I'll also be reaching out to other forums.) Your working group has already mostly been convened, so you don't need to go recruiting, just drive the bus.

    Please let me know if you can do this or know anyone else who might.

    Heather Gilmer
    Pittsburgh PA