Job Notification changes for 2025
Beginning January 1, 2025, Job Notifications will be required for ALL Accredited programs (previously only required for QP1, QP2, and QP5).
The Job Notification form for QP 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9, plus QS1 and QN1 can be found here: Job Notifications . If you need to submit a Job Notification for QP 5, click here. AMPP keeps all Job Notification information in strict confidence.
Parameters for required Job Notifications:
Accredited contractors are required to submit job information on “reportable” jobs to AMPP within 15 days of contract award or project is to begin. Reportable jobs are defined as:
- All prime contracts for public work that involve coating and related work with a dollar value of $100,000 or greater.
- All public contracts (issued by federal, state, or local governments) for coating work in which you are the subcontractor, regardless of the contract amount.
- All coating and related work where a QP accreditation is contract-specified or when QP is included in the contractor qualification/evaluation process.
NOTE: Changes in the schedule and scope of a project require a resubmittal of the Job Notification for that project.