Certification Practice Exams

Practice exams

Certification practice exams

We have partnered with Examity to offer remote proctoring for our certification practice exams. Some of our most popular certification exams are now being offered in practice form. The results from the practice exam will give you information about your strengths and areas to target for further study. This will allow you to better prepare for the certification and go into your certification exam feeling confident.

To take a practice exam, follow the steps below:

  1. Login or create an AMPP profile
  2. Click My Certification Portal
  3. Select Schedule/Manage Exams from left navigation
  4. Select desired Practice exam from “Choose an Examination” menu (follow the prompts to complete payment)
  5. Select ‘Back to Clarus’
  6. Select ‘Schedule with Examity’ (can be taken immediately)

Note: Practice exams are available at purchase and do not need to be scheduled.

Take My Practice Exam

Currently certification practice exams are being offered for the following exams

Coating inspector certifications

CIP Level 1 Certification Practice Exam
(Basic Coatings Inspector Certification) 

CIP Level 2 Certification Practice Exam
(Certified Coatings Inspector Certification)

Cathodic protection certifications

CP1 - Cathodic Protection Tester Certification Practice Exam

CP2 - Cathodic Protection Technician Certification Practice Exam

Our Practice Exams are designed to assist candidates in preparing for the official certification exam which assesses whether a candidate has the requisite knowledge and skills that a minimally qualified certified individual must possess. The 50 or 55 multiple-choice questions (depending on test) are based on the body of knowledge and are intended for practice and preparation purposes only.

You have 1 year from date of purchase to complete the exam or forfeit purchase fees. 

Please note this is a PRACTICE theory (written) exam and is intended to assist candidates in preparing for the official certification exam which is administered via computer-based testing at a Pearson VUE test center. These tests are not related to the hands-on practical examination that is administered in-person at the end of the associated course.