New Standards Projects

New Standards Projects

New AMPP standards projects

AMPP’s Standards Program Committee recognizes the importance of creating new coatings and corrosion protection standards that address industry needs. As new methods, technologies, materials, and capabilities emerge, AMPP plans to respond with the timely development of new standards that can be utilized for design, operations, procurement, maintenance, application, and qualification.

Any individual or organization may identify the need for a new standard by completing the Project Request Form and forwarding to

Following is a list of new AMPP standards projects. If you are interested in participating in one or more of these projects, please join the appropriate Standards Committee (SC) and then notify of the particular project of interest.

MR21551 - Remote Monitoring System Requirements for Cathodic Protection

  • Establish Criteria to qualify Remote Monitoring Systems for Cathodic Protection
  • Develop Selection Guidelines for Users
  • Establish Quality Criteria
  • Assist users to define Requirements, e.g. for RQFs
  • Assist user to establish Selection Criteria

SP21564 - Standard Practice for Cathodic Protection System for Complex Plant Buried Structures
This standard practice will assist complex plant facility owners with evaluating the effectiveness of cathodic protection of buried structures within congested facilities.  CP system performance in complex facilities may be influenced by buried electrical grounding systems, tank foundations, steel reinforcements in heavy concrete foundations, UG pressure vessels inside concrete pits. The standard will assist the operators to evaluate and perform necessary checks to account for strong shielding effects, dissimilar metals effect etc.  Providing a standardized approach, testing frequency, acceptance criteria, and recommended actions will assist owners/operators with integrity management decisions.

TR21580 - The Role of Cathodic Protection and Soil Environment in Hydrogen Embrittlement of Susceptible Pipelines
Provide a technical review of the available standards and state-of-the-art research on hydrogen damage mechanisms.  This will be used as a basis to develop scientifically based guidance in the application of CP to control corrosion and mitigate the effects of hydrogen damage in susceptible piping.

This will be a collaborative effort with the pending PRCI project MAT-8-3A/PRIME Idea 3545.

SP21583 - Standard Practice for Corrosion Protection of Mounded Bullets
Mounded bullets are located in a soil environment. Corrosion control using cathodic protection is challenging due to the confined space between bullets. This standard covers the establishment of requirements, selection of coating,  CP systems, system design guidelines, and operation and maintenance of cathodic protection systems for mounded bullets.

TM21591 - Measurement Techniques Related to Cathodic Protection of Horizontal Directional Drill Pipe Sections
This AMPP International standard test method provides descriptions of the measurement techniques used on horizontal directional drill (HDD) pipe sections to determine whether the HDD pipe sections in different depths, varied from several meters to tens of meters, meet the cathodic protection (CP) criteria or not. This standard test method presents guidelines, procedures, tools, and data treatment for measurements on CP parameters of HDD pipe sections buried at different depths, such as ON-potential, polarized potential, CP current density, as well as corrosion rate. Descriptions of measurement techniques used on non-HDD underground metallic piping can be found in NACE TM0497, NACE SP0104, NACE SP0169, ISO 15589-1 and ISO 15589-2. This standard includes only those measurement techniques related to CP of HDD pipe sections, such as crossing highways, railway, densely populated areas, lake, river, wetlands, and scenic spots.

SP21599 - Addressing Pipeline, Station/Facility and Other Infrastructure Subsurface Metal System Interactions With Copper AC Power Grounding and Neutral Systems
This standard practice describes procedures for determining the presence, extent, and possible mitigation of dissimilar-metal corrosion reactions when the copper metal related to AC power grounding and neutral systems interacts detrimentally with buried or submerged metal structures. It provides procedures for conducting DC structure-to-electrolyte surveys to identify and characterize anodic metal behaviors compared to the copper metal in AC power grounding and neutral systems, almost always acting as cathode in the dissimilar-metal reactions. It will also include procedures for mitigation, which may include use of electrical isolation when practical, improved cathodic protection rectifier grounding when appropriate, and use of de-coupling devices. Non-mandatory portions include recommendations on troubleshooting, use of coupons and stationary reference cells, data-logging, methods for estimating the copper surface area tied into the particular metal structure circuit, and other design and operational considerations.

Guide 21576 - Passive Fire Protection (PFP) Systems - Corrosion protection of steel structures and durability of PFP system integrity.
Many factors impact the longevity of passive fire protection which is required to protect structural steel and process equipment from degradation in harsh conditions found for oil and gas facilities and accidental fire scenarios.  This guide highlights the impact installation, environmental and operational processes have on the lifetime expectations of passive fire protection and subsequently the assets on which the passive fire protection has been applied.  The guide goes on to describe testing protocols which may be employed when evaluating the impact specific environmental and mechanical stressors have on the durability of PFP systems.  This may also be applied to cryogenic spill protection (CSP) systems.

TR21515 Exterior Coating Inspections via Remotely Operated Aerial Systems
To provide state-of-the-art information on the use of remotely operated aerial systems (drones) for inspecting coatings, either through direct contact or from a distance. This report is intended for use by asset integrity engineers, facility managers, coating inspectors, health and safety engineers, corrosion technicians, ships surveyors, drone operators, and others. This report discusses external aerial inspections only.

TM21549 - Test Method for Assessing the Impact of an Insulation Material on Corrosion Under Insulation
Develop a test method for assessing the impact of thermal insulation on the corrosion rate of the metal substrate for atmospheric applications. Utilize the TM21442 Standard Test Method for Evaluating Protective Coatings for Use Under Insulation (CUI) draft as a template and remove all references to coatings to adapt as a test method for assessing the impact of insulation material chemistry on CUI. The new TM will likely require the inclusion of a new section on preparation of the bare metal surface that is not in the current TM. This test method is intended for above grade structures (piping and equipment) as well as any piping in below grade, but not direct buried, applications.

MR21562 - Paint Standard for Polysiloxane as an Exterior Topcoat – Performance Based
This specification/standard will cover the requirements for a high performance exterior polysiloxane topcoat that provides corrosion control and weatherability. The performance requirements will cover the coating technology being used in atmospheric environments.

SP21575 - External Three-Layer Polyolefin Coating Systems for Underground or Submerged Pipe.
This document specifies requirements for plant-applied external three-layer polyethylene and polypropylene based coatings for corrosion protection of welded and seamless steel pipes for pipeline transportation systems in the petroleum and natural gas industries.

TM21563 - Large Scale Coating Survival Test for Trenchless Installations
To provide a test method for the evaluation of SAIG or ARO coatings designed for use in trenchless pipeline coating applications. The standard will include a large scale test that will represent common sources of damage experienced in trenchless pipe laying. The components of the test will include Shear, Abrasion, Impact, Gouge, and Bending and will provide information regarding the level of protection offered by any given system. The developed full-scale test alternative includes several features or obstructions that are engaged against the pipe/coating while mechanically pulling the pipe through a test cage. These features are designed to replicate the loading experienced within trenchless installation means.

SP21573 - Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coating on Internal Surface of Line Pipe, Field Weld Joints and Fittings.
The standard shall provide minimum requirements for qualification, application, inspection, testing, and repair for fusion bonded epoxy (FBE) coating applied on to internal surface of line pipe, field weld joints and fittings.

SP21574 - Thermoplastic Polymer Coating (Rotational Lining or Roto-lining) on internal surface of line pipes and fittings.
The standard shall provide minimum requirements for materials, qualification, application, inspection, testing, and repair for Thermoplastic Polymer coating applied on to internal surface of line pipes and fittings.

SP21512 Internal Field Joint Coating Robotics
This standard is intended to be used for information on how to properly apply coatings to internal field joints. The purpose of this standard is to provide the procedures that ensures, to the best extent possible, a successfully coated and protected internal field joint. This will reduce industry variability and allow for a standardized set of guidelines for successful coating applications in these areas. This standard will contain recommendations, procedures, surface preparation requirements, and methods of application.

GUIDE21531 Guidelines for Selection & Testing of Downhole Internal Liners and Coatings
This document outlines comparative testing programs for internal tubular liners and coatings used for protection from corrosion and wear. It is intended to evaluate the entire mitigation system including the pipe body and connections. The testing program should be a holistic review that represents actual expected field service conditions; and can be used to screen or ultimately select competitive products. Due to the inherent differences between internal liners and coatings, this guide makes distinctions between the appropriate tests that should be performed on each product. This guide is not intended to be comprehensive for all applications. It also does not address chemical inhibitors, metallurgical coatings or surface treatments, flow assurance or the prevention of surface deposits.

TM21558 - Test Method to Determine Susceptibility of Linings and Coatings for Metal Substrates including Pipings and Vessels in Hydrogen Containing Environments at High Pressure, Temperature, or Both
Hydrogen is rapidly becoming the centerpiece of global clean energy initiatives. This has piqued interest from numerous pipeline operators wanting to participate in this emerging demand for Hydrogen economy with construction of new Pipelines capable of delivering large volumes of Hydrogen. Transporting gaseous hydrogen via existing pipelines is an alternate low-cost option. A critical concern related to pipeline transmission is the potential for hydrogen to embrittle the steel and welds. Therefore, the current focus of the coating industry is to investigate if the existing internally coated pipelines can be used to transport gaseous hydrogen. For new high-pressure high-volume pipelines, research focus is to identify materials, including composites and coatings that can reduce or eliminate the deleterious effects of hydrogen embrittlement. Numerous test methods exist for determining susceptibility of steel to hydrogen when exposed to these challenges environments. However, there is currently no standard test protocol to determine susceptibility of coated and/or lined metals exposed to Hydrogen.

SP21511 Laser Ablation for Metallic Surface Preparation
This standard contains the general requirements for the safe and effective use of portable or stationary, pulsed, laser ablation equipment, with fiber optic beam delivery to a hand-held, or automated, end effector that emits a scanned and focused laser beam, to prepare metallic surfaces, specifically limited to ferrous metals, for maintenance, repair, recoating, or lining.

SP21514 Dry Ice Blasting on Metallic and Nonmetallic Substrates
This standard contains the general requirements and best industry practice for the safe and effective use of dry ice blasting technology equipment for cleaning of metallic and nonmetallic surfaces prior to maintenance, repair, recoating, or to provide a clean, contaminant-free exposed surface. This standard will also contain information of dry ice media, basic safety requirements, and benefits of using this technology.

SP21528 Power Tool Cleaning of Non-Ferrous Metals, Stainless Steels, and Galvanized Steels
This standard contains the requirements for power-tool cleaning of non-ferrous metals, stainless steels, and galvanized steels to produce a bare metal surface. This standard represents a degree of cleaning similar to that defined for carbon steel substrates in SSPC-SP 11.

SP21538 High Pressure Water Cleaning Injecting With Inhibitor in Type C Tank
Surface preparation of type C liquid tank inside with no coat, normal method is grinding to St2/St3 grade with heavy dust and long cycle. New method can be de-rusting with high pressure water with corrosion inhibitor solution. The new standard shall require cleaning water pressure scope, corrosion inhibitor solution type, anti-rust mechanism, safety and harmless requirement of solution, and impact of welding.

MR21565 - Stainless Steel Abrasives.
This standard provides requirements for classification, evaluation, and performance of stainless-steel abrasive media used to blast clean steel and other surfaces prior to the application of protective coatings. This standard also includes requirements for quality control of new and recycled media.

GUIDE 21611 - Laser Ablation Technical Guide
This guide will assist surface preparation professionals in determining suitable applications for laser ablation coating removal and surface preparation by describing the capabilities and limitation of the technology and how it's used.

GUIDE 21570 - Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surface Prepared by Non-thermal Atmospheric Plasma Cleaning
This guide describes the use of reference photographs depicting the appearance of unpainted, painted, rusted, and welded carbon steel prior to and after non-thermal atmospheric plasma cleaning. These photographs are intended to be used to supplement the written standard AMPP SP21523 Non-thermal Plasma Surface Preparation of Metals. Due to variations in the condition of the steel to be cleaned and the operation of the tool used, the appearance of the cleaned surface will vary; therefore, the written standard is the primary means to determine conformance with non-thermal atmospheric plasma cleaning requirements. The photographs shall not be used as a substitute for the written standards.

GUIDE 21711 - Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surface Non-Mechanical Cleaning by Pulsed Laser Ablation
This Guide describes the use of Reference Photographs depicting the appearance of unpainted rusted and painted carbon steel (including High Strength and High Yield Steels), with or without rust, prior to and after cleaning by pulsed laser ablation (PLA). The Reference Photographs are intended to supplement the written standard AMPP SP21511 and AMPP Guide 21611.  Pictures and descriptions of rust are included for illustrative purposes.  The written standard is the primary means to determine conformance with cleaning requirements.  The photographs should not be used as a substitute for the standards.  The photographs are intended to be used to inform inspectors and operators on the definition of degrees of cleanliness and to supplement the standard.

TR21589 - Surface Roughness: Peak Count/Density and Angularity Characterizations of Prepared Metallic Surfaces for Service-Critical Applications
The proposed AMPP Technical Report will be a compilation of nearly two decades of research, technical papers/presentations, and current practices/instrumentation for characterizing a prepared surface for roughness attributes beyond surface profile depth, including peak count/density and angularity of the surface profile generated by wet, dry, and automated (centrifugal) abrasive blast cleaning and impact/rotary-impact power tools. The vision is to use the Technical Report to inform the subsequent development of an AMPP Guide on Selection of Surface Profile/Roughness Requirements for Specifications, primarily focused on specific coating types and severe/service-critical environments.

Guide 21554-Environmental Severity Monitoring Site Evaluation Guide
A guide providing instruction for how and where to install witness coupons or environmental monitors for the assessment of environmental severity index. This guide is intended for locations that do not have established corrosion exposure racks or equipment.

SP21556-Environmental Severity Monitoring Specimen Standard Practice
A standard providing instruction for the selection, preparation, and analysis of control specimens for environmental severity indexing. Samples will be specified based on composition, geometry, preparation, etc. Relevant analytical technique will be specified as well as they pertain to corrosion damage assessment and environmental severity indexing.

SP21554-4 - Environmental Parameter Monitoring for Severity Classification
A standard providing instruction for the selection, preparation, and analysis of environmental parameters for environmental severity indexing. Environmental parameters will be notated by the varying levels of parameters able to be reported at a site, such as relative humidity, wind speed, temperature, chlorides, etc. Characterizing the overarching severity of a site and site severity as a function of time will be defined for environmental severity indexing.

MR21525 Material Requirement for Subsea Equipment Versus Cathodic Protection and Environmental Cracking
Using the input from TR21524, this standard will define service conditions, acceptable materials and metallurgical processing and document industry best practices and guidelines to reduce the risk of environmental cracking under subsea cathodic protection and environmental cracking.

TM21557 - Test method for the assessment of KISSC values in high strength low alloy steels using slow strain rate testing techniques.
The proposed testing method is applicable to the evaluation of the stress intensity values for sulfide stress cracking (KISSC) in high strength low alloy steels (HSLA) exposed to sour service conditions or in the presence of H2S. The test methodology uses round tensile specimens manufactured with a notch in the gage section subjected to a slow strain rate tensile test under environments (NTSSRT) that simulate the presence of a sour service condition at different H2S content depending on specified testing conditions. As such the proposed experimental methodology provides a testing method is designed to allow the assessment of the susceptibility to sulfide stress cracking in HSLA by providing the determination of the KISSC value under different H2S content and solution pH.

TR21588 - Corrosion and Material Selection Guidance for Geothermal Applications
Develop an AMPP technical report addressing material selection and optimization guidance for geothermal applications focusing on near-neutral and low pH, high salinity and/or H2S/CO2 containing fluids at high temperature related to Power Generation, Direct Use, Heat Pumps, and others. The report will emphasize system corrosivity assessment, materials selection options, and corrosion mitigation procedures.  It will take into consideration previous documents/standards which address other energy-producing systems and in particular oil and gas production scenarios i.e. NACE MR0175/ ISO 15156. The report will also provide a gap analysis to elucidate areas where no test data or field experience is currently available.

Guide 21596 - Guide to Thermal Diffusion Coating Processes, Properties, and Applications
This document serves as a guide to understanding the different processes and the resulting alloy properties achieved through diffusion coatings. It covers both established processes such as zinc, aluminum, and chromium as well as newer processes such as silicon, titanium, semi metals, transition metals, and noble gases. It also covers the differences in thermal diffused alloy surface properties compared to conventional alloys. Parent metal selection is also addressed, with diffusion temperatures below the destructive temperature of the substrate.

TR21598 - Appraisal of Stress Assisted Corrosion on Low Alloy Steels After SSC Testing
To review a definition and a description of Stress Assisted Corrosion (SAC) phenomenon. To review material and environment combinations where SAC is frequently observed. To review proposed mechanisms. To review criteria and appraisal of SAC proposed in literature but also from participants to the working group.

TR21603 - Cold Spray Metallic Coating for Internal Corrosion Protection of Steel Pipelines
This technical report describes the use of cold spray metallic coating as an internal corrosion barrier for pipelines transporting natural gas, CO2, or hydrogen. The metallic coating will provide cathodic protection to the interior of the steel pipeline. A successful field testing of corrosion coupon coated with cold spray metallic coatings (ZnCr and ZnNb) in a live pipeline at NW Natural’s storage facility in Oregon demonstrated that metallic coatings exhibited low corrosion rates (0.02-0.04 mm/y) over the 32-day test. The HDGS (hot-dipped galvanized steel) showed the lowest general corrosion rates and the highest pitting corrosion. Additional field tests of a pipe section (3 ft long and 6 inches diameter) coated with cold spray metallic coatings (ZnCr, ZnNb) at the NW Natural Storage Facility were performed on a pipe section that is pressurized with untreated gas from the storage well. This technical report will cover:

  • The details of how the cold spray metallic coatings can be used inside the pipeline as a corrosion barrier, including the surface preparation of the steel pipeline prior to cold spray coating.
  • Laboratory and field test methodologies to evaluate the corrosion performance of the cold spray coatings as internal corrosion barriers for steel pipelines.
  • Review the existing standards for internal coatings that apply to cold spray coatings.

TM21578 - Evaluating the Compatibility of Reinforced Non-Metallics Pipe Assembly with Oil & Gas Environments
This test method document is intended to serve as a guide in the process of evaluating Reinforced Non-metallics Pipe Assembly for use in Oil & Gas applications. This document will provide a means to evaluate the relative resistance of Reinforced Non-Metallics Pipes to specific Oil & Gas environments by comparison of mechanical properties before and after exposure. This standard is intended to be used by polymer manufacturers, processors, equipment manufacturers, operating companies, or others who desire to compare the resistance of various Reinforced Non-metallics Pipe Assembly products to specific Oil and Gas environments.

SP21509 Degradation of Sealing Systems
Develop a standard that helps to reduce diffusive emissions through the utilization of proper sealing system integrity management principles (irrespective of whether the sealing system is dynamic or static).

SP21521 Facilities Integrity Corrosion Management and Asset Selection
This document will cover methods for corrosion management and asset selection for inspection using trending data, system data, and best practices for Liquid Hydrocarbons. This will help to drive for more efficient asset inspections to target the assets needing attention first. Some items that will be covered include:

  • Facilities asset management principles
  • Using Trending data to predict threat (corrosion) behavior by asset type
  • Effectiveness and Efficiency and performance metrics
  • Reliability Modeling Principles
  • Making adjustment to the current program and planning for future inspections

TR21571 - State of the Art: Digital Twins for Corrosion Management of Liquid and Gas Pipelines
Systemic literature review on the state of the art and future research work in using digital twins for soil-side corrosion management.

  • Identify theories and previous research on digital twins for corrosion risk management
  • Provide a comprehensive overview of what was done, what has been done, and what should be investigated further
  • Demonstrate degree of relevance
  • Identify different approaches to issue
    • Probabilistic, Mechanistic, Machine Learning, etc.
  • Application of digital twin for pipelines and facilities

Questionnaire – Use of digital twins for corrosion management

TR21572 - Application of Large Standoff Magnetometry for the Inspection of Pipelines
An industry technical report reviewing the rationale of applying large standoff magnetometry (LSM) - for pipeline integrity of buried or above ground pipelines and piping (including deployment by walking, drone, or vehicle).

SP21593 - AMPP Standard Practices for Effective Process Safety Management (PSM) Implementation
This standard aims to provide corrosion control recommendations and best practices to ensure effective Process Safety Management (PSM) in oil and gas industry. The document, titled "AMPP Standard Practices for Effective PSM Implementation", will be applicable to both new and existing facilities. The scope includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Design Phase: Recommendations, guidelines, established best practices, flowcharts, and checklists covering Front-End Engineering Design (FEED), Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs), Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs), Isometrics, Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) studies, 3D modeling, document reviews, and construction phase considerations.
  • Existing Facilities: Recommendations, comprehensive report formats, and checklists for materials, internal corrosion assessments, cathodic protection status reports, coating condition assessments, chemical management effectiveness, and advancements-technology.
  • Laboratories: Detailed guidance on essential testing and equipment requirements, including mandatory tests for corrosion assessments across various mediums such as fluid, gas, and solid deposits. This section will also cover chemical trials and recommendations for third-party laboratory involvement.
  • Prevention: Strategies and methodologies for predicting and mitigating future corrosion risks, focusing on materials, internal corrosion, Cathodic Protection (CP), coatings, chemical management, and advancements-technology.
  • Training: Specifications for essential training programs to enhance professionals' skills in the field of corrosion management.
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Checklists and tasks to measure and ensure the effectiveness of corrosion management strategies in the context of PSM.
  • Appendices: A list of all related standards, checklists for each phase, flowcharts, and other important supporting documents.

SP21597 - Corrosion Inspection in Refinery and Chemical Process Units During Plant Turnaround
This standard serves as a professional reference for conducting corrosion surveys during unit turnarounds and maintenance in refining and chemical industries. It outlines the general requirements, inspection procedures, and key inspection points for critical equipment in critical locations to ensure a thorough assessment of equipment corrosion conditions during last operational cycles, promoting safety and stability in future operational cycles.

TR21505 Adverse Impacts of Wildfires on Power Transmission Infrastructure Integrity
Communicate the effect of wildfires on corrosion resistance and mechanical integrity of power transmission infrastructure and identify next steps to research, develop, and implement future asset integrity management actions for the power industry.

SP21533 Remote Inspections for Nuclear Spent Fuel Integrity
Communicate the benefits, approaches, and recommended actions for remote inspections of nuclear spent fuel storage casks as an asset integrity management activity undertaken by the power industry.

SP21519 Achieving & Maintaining a Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) Condition on Concrete Substrates
This standard will provide users and specifiers with the best ways to achieve and maintain Saturated Surface Dry (SSD) conditions of concrete surfaces during and post application of cementitious repair mortars. The goal is to standardize the process and wording so there are no misconceptions or misunderstandings on projects and specifications. This standard will include best practices for environmental conditions during application and discuss areas and alternatives when SSD may not be achievable due to adverse (arid/very dry) environmental factors. The standard/guideline should detail processes and equipment available for achieving SSD as well as the equipment, materials and processes available for maintaining SSD. This document will clarify what an SSD surface looks like and how to detect it when the condition has been reached. It will also contain standardized guidelines on how to maintain the condition working throughout a project to ensure cementitious repair materials are always applied to an SSD conditioned surface.

SP21520 Acceptance Criteria for Cathodic Protection of Steel in Concrete Structures
This Standard Practice will cover acceptance criteria for cathodic protection of steel in concrete in a single document. Currently there are several SPs which cover cathodic protection of steel in concrete including impressed current, galvanic, underground, etc. Separating CP criteria into a separate document (which will be referenced by each of the concrete CP standards) will allow the criteria document to be updated as required and will ensure the same criteria is used across the industry.

SP21526 Certified Inspector Requirements for FRP Field Applications to Reinforce and Strengthen Concrete and Steel Structures
The scope of this Standard Practice is to establish the certification requirements for the fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) QA / QC inspections before, during, and post-cure installation of field applied FRP applications to reinforce and strengthen concrete and steel structures. Typical FRP installations include but are not limited to wet layup, prepreg, laminates, and near-surface mounted FRP reinforcement and strengthening systems. The standard will include specifics of acceptance criteria based on FRP material and design, providing guidance and examples to develop a project-specific inspection plan.

TR21540 Correlating Qualitative Surface Profile Assessment Methods on Prepared Concrete
The proposed AMPP Technical Report will describe an interlaboratory study conducted in 2021 that correlates qualitative and quantitative methods of assessing the surface profile of prepared concrete. A Look-up Table, which was the outcome of the study enables specifiers to convert between visual comparators and surface profile depth in mils, millimeters, or micrometers.

SP21543 Pressurized Water Cleaning of Concrete and Cementitious Materials – Light Cleaning by Pressurized Water
This standard contains requirements for the cleaning process, for the end condition of a light cleaned concrete surface, and for verification of the end condition. The standard does not address removal of water-insoluble contamination; assessment of concrete soundness and pH; repair of the substrate and exposed reinforcing steel; or required surface profile. It is intended for use by coating or lining specifiers, applicators, inspectors, or others who require the use of pressurized water cleaning technology to achieve a defined level of concrete surface cleanliness. The focus of this standard is Light Cleaning by Pressurized Water, the follow-up document to Thorough Cleaning by Pressurized Water, which is in the final stages of formatting for publication.

SP21545 Corrosion Management of Buried and Submerged RC Structures
This document will be developed to provide guidance regarding the monitoring and management of reinforced concrete members in buried or submerged conditions.

TR21584 - Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcing Materials in Concrete Structures: State-of-the-Art
This Technical Report (TR) will cover commonly produced fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcing materials.  It will include conventional FRP reinforcing bars and strand.  The materials covered will be glass fiber reinforcing polymer (GFRP), basalt fiber reinforcing polymer (BFRP), and carbon fiber reinforcing polymer (CFRP).  If new FRP materials become available during the drafting of the report, they will also be included.  These reinforcing bars and strand are used in reinforced concrete applications as a means of providing longer service life structures, so the primary focus of the document will be durability.

TR21592 - State of the Art Report for Test Methods for Evaluating Performance of Galvanic Anodes in Reinforced Concrete Structures
The scope of this report will be on researching and compiling available information on laboratory performance testing of galvanic anodes. The document scope will likely be limited to discrete, single stage, embedded anodes for reinforced concrete structures; however, some discussion on surface mounted, two-stage, or other anode types may be warranted. The committee is aware of independent testing and studies that have been used in the past to evaluate relative performance of galvanic anodes; however, to our knowledge there is no standardized test method and no clear path to developing a test method.

TR21516 Corrosion Protection of Onshore In-field Oil and Gas Flowlines
The document will capture different problems, scenarios and viable solutions that are practiced globally, including new practical ideas. In-field oil and gas flowlines generally have small diameter. These lines carry the most corrosive environment and total length of such flowlines is significant. Individual wells do not produce sufficient hydrocarbons to apply the standard corrosion mitigation measures. Therefore, a compilation of various techno-economically viable options will be a good guide, especially for small operators or for operators having large number of low producing wells.

SP21537 Downhole Chemical Application via Capillary Tubing, Gas Lift, and Umbilical
This procedure describes the range of qualification techniques for chemicals injected through downhole capillaries. This document also provides guidance and pass/fail criteria for the chemicals put through this procedure and the conditions for testing (in the absence of concrete customer information). Test methods are described that demonstrate the changes in physical properties that can result from injection in the capillary system.

TR21539 Cathodic Shielding in Pipelines
The scope of this document is to create a technical report that discusses Cathodic shielding in pipelines. This document will provide the following:

  1. A definition of Cathodic shielding
  2. Potential approaches to detection
  3. Role of ILI and other tools
  4. Potential approaches to mitigation
  5. Potential approaches to monitoring

TR21547 Transportation of Hydrogen and Low Carbon Fuels State of the Art Report
The primary objective of this project is to develop an overarching State-of-the-Art (SOTA) technical report representing the current understanding of technical consideration related to transportation of hydrogen, whether pure, or blended into natural gas supply, in onshore pipelines. The purpose of this SOTA report is to provide background and guidance related to the material compatibility, integrity, and risk factors associated with hydrogen transport which must be understood and evaluated when considering conversion of an existing pipeline system for hydrogen service.

It is anticipated the SOTA report would consider the following primary tasks:

  • Summary of current industry knowledge and key technical areas
  • Existing Operation / Service Experience
  • Gap analysis
  • Recommendations for future R&D

The scope of work is expected to focus on, but necessarily not limited to the following technical considerations:

  • Material compatibility
  • Integrity Considerations
  • Risk Factors
  • Safety
  • End Use Equipment – Impacts and Compatibility
  • Operation and Maintenance
  • Storage

GUIDE 21569 Guidance on Implementing Corrosion Control Methodologies to Align with New Regulatory Procedures
This AMPP document will provide additional guidance for Pipeline Operators to assist with the implementation of corrosion control methodology requirements for onshore gas transmission as required in Part 2 of the PHMSA Gas Mega Rule.

Guide 21581 - Gradient Control Mats for Personnel Safety
This guide document gives background on the allowable touch and step voltage limits found in IEEE-80 and gives mechanisms to mitigate these voltages through the use of gradient control mats.

TM21582 - Testing Procedure to Validate a Vapor Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) For Corrosion Protection of Enclosed Spaces Related to Storage Tanks, Pipe Casings, and Pipelines
Intended to be a reference document for owners interested in using Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs) to mitigate corrosion issues in several asset applications.  The document will provide guidance on VCI efficacy tests to ensure the chemistry used will provide corrosion protection to the underside of tank bottoms, the annulus of pipe casings and the internal preservation of pipes and pipelines which are out of service (both new and existing).

In order for a VCI product to be considered for use in these types of applications, the manufacturer must be able to demonstrate that the product meets or exceeds the test results outlined in this document.

TR21587 - Assorted Methods for Electrical Cable Connections to Metallic Structures for Corrosion Control Applications
Electrical connections to metallic structures utilizing exothermic welding, pin brazing, welding, brazing, mechanical, and magnetic connections.  Although this document primarily focuses on electrical continuity for cathodic protection purposes (test stations, bonds, etc.), the information is also applicable for grounding purposes as found in HVAC and HVDC mitigation systems and AC grounding systems.

TR21604 - Managing Internal Corrosion in Midstream Dead Legs
This technical report outlines the necessary information for managing internal corrosion in midstream dead legs. It covers various system types, jurisdictional considerations, definitions, and characteristics of dead legs (such as whether they are aboveground or underground, have capped or flanged ends, or involve bypass piping). It also addresses risk factors, existing internal corrosion management practices for dead legs, and design standards aimed at preventing and reducing internal corrosion in these areas.

SP21534 Materials and Fabrication Requirements for Carbon Steel Equipment in Petroleum Refining Wet H2S Environments
The requirements described in this Standard Practice (SP) govern the materials selection and fabrications practices applying to new carbon steel (defined as ASME Section IX QW-422 P Number 1, Group number 1 or 2 base metals) stationary pressure retaining equipment such as pressure vessels and heat exchangers for operation in petroleum refining wet H2S environments (defined as conditions meeting description in NACE MR0103/ISO 17945).

TR21585 - Impact to Petroleum Refinery Aqueous Corrosion Mechanisms While Processing Biofuel Feedstocks
This Technical Report (TR) is intended as a resource for materials and corrosion specialists, process engineers, licensors, engineering contractors, and petroleum refining companies in understanding the impact to various aqueous corrosion mechanisms in the primary conversion unit and their associated downstream units that receive feed from these conversion units when using biofuel feedstock production of Renewable Diesel (RD) and Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

This technical report does not include a discussion regarding hot-free fatty acid (FFA) corrosion potential when preheating the biofuel feedstock. This is a subject of a separate study and work underway by API.  This report does not include the corrosion implications of the production of ethanol and biodiesel (fatty acid methyl ester (FAME)) which are used as directly blended material into fossil fuel-based gasoline or diesel fuel pools as these products are generated outside a petroleum refinery.

MR21506 Universal Solvent Free Definition
The target of this initiative is to create a universal definition of solvent free coatings, aligned across the value chain of relevant stakeholders. The scope of the definition is limited to coatings used during building, operation and maintenance of ships.

SP21507 Standard Practice for Sandwich Plate Composite Repair of Steel Structures
Both onshore storage tanks and offshore/marine vessels and units (such as floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) units, Floating Storage and Offloading (FSO) units) for oil and gas drilling, production, and transportation generally experience very corrosive environments. Severe corrosion to the structures is frequently required to be repaired for restoration of the structural strength and the tightness for safety requirement from regulatory. Conventionally crop-and-replace method and welding repairs are used in the oil and gas industry and allowed from regulatory requirements. However, these repairs are considered as a hot work repair method. Once the hot work repair is arranged, it is required that the subject tank/location and adjacent tanks/structures be in a gas free condition for compliance with safety requirements. This may cause a significant impact on the continuous operation of the units. Thus, adhesively bonded sandwich composite repairs to the damaged structure would be generally preferred for favorite considerations of safety and continuous operation as the repairs can be done without cutting and replacement of steel place and only one side access is needed during the repair. With the increased use of composites in repairs for maritime vessel and oil / gas structures, a standard practice is needed for a unified industry standard for all parties of the repair technology. This standard practice is to set out requirement on the Sandwich Plate Composite Repair of Steel Structures for predicted repair life.

TR21517 Grooming and Remote Inspection of Ship Hull Surfaces
To develop a technical report, specifically targeted to the maritime industry, related to the use of drones and robotics inspection with the objective to utilize proactive grooming and remote inspection capabilities, to maintain the vessel’s carbon intensity and extend the dry dock interval.

TM21606 Weight Solids in High Solids Coatings
The target of this initiative is to establish and describe a standard and practical test method for measuring weight solids of coatings with high solids contents. The method will provide a practical solution for all stakeholders across the value chain to easily assess coatings to their solids content. This method will be the principle for assigning coatings to the correct group in the materials requirement standard MR21506 – Universal definition of solvent free coatings.

GUIDE 21567 Guide for Sampling Program Development in Hydrocarbon Production, Transportation and Processing
Provide a description of the major aspects of the sampling process for indirect internal corrosion monitoring. The guide will cover specific sample identification, determination of analytical requirements, sample point design, and safe sample collection.  Consideration of these aspects is necessary for the development of robust and safe sampling programs, protocols and procedures.

SP21508 Specification for batch treatment and continuous injection of corrosion inhibitor for oil and gas gathering pipelines
This standard will provide a technical specification for chemical treatment to prevent internal corrosion of carbon steel pipelines by acid producing gases, CO2 and H2S, and organic acids. The proposed standard will summarize industrial experience of inhibitors and offer technical guidance for oil and gas field companies, operators, design engineers, contractors, inhibitor researchers, suppliers and users. The standard covers full requirements for chemical treatment involving: 1) information gathering - including physicochemical properties of compositional fluids, pipeline specifications, physiognomy and available facilities; 2) inhibitor evaluation; 3) injection methods; 4) dosage calculation; 5) preparation prior to injection; 6) injection equipment and location; 7) assessing effectiveness of treatment.

GUIDE 21555-Water Analysis for Corrosion Prediction - Sampling Analysis and Interpretation
This guide will outline the techniques for analyzing water to predict corrosion. A robust water analysis is a crucial part of corrosion prediction and a frequent source of error. This guide will provide an understanding of water analysis, and the impacts of water sampling on corrosion prediction and analysis.

Guide 21577 - Guideline for corrosion testing in CCUS applications with impure CO2
The intention of this document is to provide guidance for dense phase CO2 corrosion testing in CCUS applications with impure CO2. This guide will cover different aspects of dense phase CO2 corrosion testing including guidance on:

  • Different Test set-ups (corrosion, effect of impurities (acid reactions), others)
  • Measurements, type and location
  • Interpretation of test results
  • Test procedures that are critical:
    1. Depressurization procedure to avoid water drop out from dense phase CO2
    2. How to replenish impurities (i.e. H2S, NO2, SO2, O2, etc.)
    3. How frequently to replenish impurities
    4. Where to place coupons in the autoclave to represent highest corrosion scenario
    5. Configuration of autoclave to allow acid and water accumulation in contact with corrosion coupon
    6. How to monitor gas input
    7. How to sample and monitor dense phase CO2 composition during experiment
    8. How to monitor acid and water drop out during experiment
    9. How to sample and analyze the liquid phase
    10. How to analyze corrosion data from the coupons
    11. How to inject NO2 in the system and saturate the system with NO2, reach a stable NO2 content before starting the experiment
    12. Order of adding impurities during experiment
    13. Controlling impurity level in the system during experiment

SP21590 - Internal Corrosion Management Utilizing a Barrier and Integrity Operating Window Approach
The Standard Practice outlines a corrosion management system in line with industry procedures for internal process streams. The system described is based upon process safety and asset integrity control framework utilizing barrier management and Integrity Operating Window (IOW) control. The process is based on definition and requirements which focus corrosion management on the quality of control measures (quality of barriers) in place to control a failure mode. Where resistant materials are selected against a failure mode, its application limits require control on the safe operating limits identified as IOW which comes with controls on composition and operating conditions.

GUIDE 21552 - Corrosion Considerations for Selection of Rock Bolts
The present document will discuss the principal corrosion mechanisms governing the degradation of rock bolts. An explanation for mechanism will be provided, along with a discussion on the factors that may impact the rate of degradation. The mechanistic discussion will be linked to corrosion mitigation strategies that may include material selection, coatings, cathodic protection, etc. The document will provide a brief overview of the required testing needed to characterize the service environment and a general decision-making guide that will help pair up the right rock bolt with the right corrosion mitigation strategy for a given design life.

GUIDE21614 Standard Practice for Improving the Precision of Dry Coating Thickness Measurements on Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metal Substrates Using Continuous Read/Scanning Technology
Statistical analysis of data (based on research and a Technical Paper presented by Jeff O’Dell, Vision Point at the SSPC 2017 National Conference) suggests that greater precision of dry film thickness (DFT) measurements can be achieved by obtaining a greater population of measurements over a larger area using the scanning method over the traditional “place & remove probe” frequency described in Section 8 of the current version of the SSPC-PA 2 standard. Also, scanning technology enables an operator to collect a greater number of DFT measurements in a shorter time frame than the traditional “place & remove probe” method. Due to the increased number of measurements being collected, better indication of the sample mean can be obtained through increased precision.

SP21530 Qualification of Individuals for Application of Epoxy Intumescent Coatings to Steel Surfaces
This practice provides a standard qualifying method to verify the ability and proficiency of individual applicators in attaining the required quality of application of epoxy intumescent coatings to steel surfaces. The standard practices set forth herein may be appropriate for assessing the skill level of applicators in shop or maintenance (insitu) environments. The purpose of this practice is to judge only the ability of the individual to apply epoxy intumescent products correctly using the appropriate tools and equipment.

Guide 21550 - Guide for Application of Passive Fire Protection over Galvanized Surfaces
Establish industry requirements for surface preparation and application of fireproofing materials to galvanized steel.  Fireproofing materials are expected to include intumescent and cementitious coatings.

Guide 21600 - Application and Inspection of Vinyl Coating Systems for Immersion
The document would provide an overview of the required application and inspection processes for successful application of zinc and non-zinc vinyl paint systems.

GUIDE 21568 - Containment System Support Structure and Platform Design
This guide describes load criteria, design assumptions, and procedures to be considered when designing elevated work platform systems, temporary protective shields and containment support structures on industrial painting-related projects. By selecting appropriate design criteria suitable for the applicable system, one can construct a safe, cost effective system.

The platform or shield systems (“Systems”) are categorized by intended use, floor material and type, and support structure type. Type of loads, safety factors, and additional design considerations are discussed to assist in thorough planning for a safe, economical, and practical design.

Installation, inspection, maintenance, and monitoring are discussed to assist in ensuring the System design is properly constructed and maintained.

QP 10 - Qualification Procedure No. 10 Standard Procedure for Evaluating the Qualifications of Contractors who Install Passive Fire Protection Systems on Industrial and Marine Structures and their Components in the Shop or Field
This procedure describes a method for evaluating the primary qualifications of contractors who install passive fire protection systems on industrial or marine structures in the Shop or Field, and defines a minimum standard for qualification.

Guide 21579 - Hydrogen Transport Guideline
The document will be a multidisciplinary approach concerning the following topics as related to transporting H2 and H2 – natural gas in the form of gas and transporting liquefied H2.

  • Purity of H2
  • New pipeline
  • Repurposing and existing pipeline
  • Ship transport
  • Cryogenic H2 transport
  • Materials including carbon steel, corrosion-resistant alloy, polymer

Note that the proposed document will aim to provide guidance on the specific guidelines and standards that should be followed (e.g. ASME), and where a wider approach is needed in addition to following codes/standards, the current document can be followed for a work process.

Guide 21586 - Guidelines For Laboratory Corrosion Testing For Hydrogen
The Guideline is to provide guidance for static and mechanical corrosion testing safely conducted in gaseous hydrogen atmospheres at high pressures and temperatures using autoclaves and other devices. The guide outlines methods of testing the effect of hydrogen on materials performance and corrosion in condition at hydrogen pressure. The guide includes procedures for test execution and methods of evaluation and interpretation for materials selection for hydrogen applications.

In addition, it is intended to use approved operating procedures for all foreseeable operations including startup and shutdown in place and up to date. Different aspects and stages of operation to be considered include venting, purging, ventilation, shock/vibration, stress, external damage protection, electrical wiring and grounding, pressure control, positive pressure, contamination, instrumentation, storage, layers of protection and redundancy, fail safes, barriers, and condensation.

SP21632 - Standard Practice for Materials Selection and Corrosion Control for Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Projects
The scope of this document is to provide guidance to select materials and ensure long time integrity via effective corrosion control for CCS projects CO2 transport and injection, including identification of a safe CO2 specification.

SP21632-3 - Guidelines for Materials Selection and Testing for CO2 Injection in Wells
This document aims to provide guidance for materials selection and testing of equipment and tubulars for CO2 injection in wells. The current AMPP guideline for materials selection and corrosion control for CO2 transport and injection provides limited guidance for well materials. This document aims to provide more detailed materials selection options including typical materials of use, potential testing requirements, and methods, as well as interpretation and alignment with realistic operating scenarios.