I am the newly appointed TCI Manager for Cathodic Protection – Reinforced Concrete Infrastructure. In this role, I oversee the solicitation and review of presentations, as well as the development of agendas and discussion topics for TCI meetings to facilitate industry knowledge exchange.
As we prepare for the AMPP Annual Conference and Expo 2025 in Nashville, TN (April 6–10, 2025), we are seeking industry experts in cathodic protection for reinforced concrete infrastructure to deliver technical discussions or presentations (30–45 minutes) before and during the event.
If you have a relevant topic to present or discuss, please contact me at washienyoni@yahoo.com to coordinate arrangements.
Best regards,
Washington Nyoni
TCI Manager – Cathodic Protection, Reinforced Concrete Infrastructure
Washington Nyoni
Corrosion Control Engineering
Tullamarine VIC
Original Message:
Sent: 03-26-2024 08:13 AM
From: Danielle Edmond
Subject: Do You Need a Platform to Speak? We Need Topics!
Forefront Innovation Series is a 35-45 minute web series in which speakers are encouraged to present on topics that are new and innovative in various industries. Once a topic and speaker are selected, we advertise on our social media channels and email blasts to gain registrants.
We are in search of real-world speakers on corrosion and technical topics! Have an idea for a topic, but don't want to be a speaker? That's ok too! We are looking for topics AND speakers.
Email me today! I'd love to hear your thoughts.
Danielle Hudson
Danielle Hudson
Pittsburgh PA