Industrial Coating Application (ICA) Online Program
The coatings industry is a highly technical field that requires skilled personnel to perform quality surface preparation and protective coatings application. The Industrial Coating Application Online Program is a comprehensive training program based on the NACE No. 13/SSPC-ACS-1 standard that sets the criteria for a qualified workforce that can meet contractors' and facility owners' need for consistent, quality work completed accurately, safely, and at a reasonable cost.
The eCourse features engaging slides, short quizzes, and downloadable resources that can be used on the job.
This one-of-a-kind program is designed to allow you to pick and choose which modules you’d like to take. See below for more information on what each module covers.
Who is the ICA Program for?
This must-take, interactive program is designed for anyone new to the coatings industry, as well as safety directors, contractors, foremen, supervisors, applicators, and inspectors.