Corrosion in the Maritime Industry
Through near misses, incidents, forced shutdowns, outages, and accidents, the maritime industry has come to realize that lack of corrosion management can be very costly.
A Corrosion Management System (CMS) program addresses the threat of corrosion for existing and future assets across the complete lifecycle of the asset, from design to decommissioning. To achieve the full extent of savings offered through proper corrosion management, it is imperative that an organization’s management implement a Corrosion Management System (CMS).
AMPP is committed to providing solutions to the maritime industry that reduce costs, maximize asset availability, keep personnel safe, and preserve the environment. Our resources are solution providers designed to serve a wide range of maritime industry areas including crew training, waterfront facilities, fixed offshore platforms, navigational aids, movable bridges, ship design and construction, and ship operation and maintenance.
AMPP offers the only marine-specific certification recognized by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Performance Standard for Protective Coatings (PSPC) standard.