Exam format
To become a BCI Level 2 Inspector and receive your CEUs, you must pass the written certification and inspection training exam with at least an 80% score.
State accreditation specs - additional information
Connecticut Consulting Engineer personnel performing the inspection of bridge painting projects must be either AMPP or SSPC - Bridge Coating Inspector (BCI) certified in accordance with the requirements of Section 2.3 – Qualifications, of the CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING AND INSPECTION INFORMATION PAMPHLET FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONNECTICUT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION.
Florida FLDOT CHAPTER 8 - STRUCTURES TRAINING AND QUALIFICATION PROGRAM. 8.8.2 Bridge Coating Inspector Training Course FLDOT - Lead coating inspectors must successfully complete the Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC) course entitled "Bridge Coating Inspection" which is designated as SSPC course "BCI". This is a four (5) day course and includes an examination that must be passed in order for AMPP to issue a successful completion certificate.
Kentucky KYDOT accepts the BCI Level 1 Course.