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 Mitutoyo Coating Thickness Gauge - Neo-Derm 179-711

Harold Snider's profile image
Harold Snider posted 10-29-2022 12:59 PM
I realize this request may not be your specific area but I’m trying to get information and maybe your technical resources know or can refer me to someone. (I’m not a professional). I’d like to measure the paint thickness on my 1979 car (original single stage paint) before polishing.
I inherited an analog Mitutoyo ”Neo-Derm" coating thickness gauge, with no manual - Code Number: 179-711 Serial Number: 62146 Model: DGE-711
I don’t know how to calibrate or read it - meter scales, selection choices (e.g., B-CH?) 
It is complete and I have the calibration pieces ( photos attached). I was in touch with Mitutoyo but they no longer have reference material. 
Any guidance, referrals, or a copy of a manual you can offer will be appreciated. 
Thanks very much! Harold
Mitutoyo Coating Thickness Gauge
Standard plate and films
Vighnesh Kuruppath's profile image
Vighnesh Kuruppath

you can search in Internet, it is available.
If you require any more please post it