Communities of Interest

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Technical Communities of Interest (TCI)
Technical Community of Interest (TCI) is a group of people who share a common technical interest. A technical community of interest is a place for both members and nonmembers who come together for the purpose of furthering a common cause by sharing wisdom, knowledge, information, and/or data for a specific technical topic. Technical Communities of Interest are a way to bring industry leaders together in one location to discuss the current status and needs of the industry to continue AMPP’s mission of sustainability and evolution.

Networking Communities of Interest
A Networking Community of Interest is exclusive to members and based on a common demographic or interest among AMPP members such as students. These groups allow members to come together with peers under a common interest to build a network, exchange ideas, and further their common needs.

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Titanium, Zirconium and Other Reactive Metals  

The Titanium, Zirconium and Other Reactive Metals Technical Community of Interest is a group of people (both AMPP members and nonmembers) who have come together for the purpose of furthering a common cause by sharing wisdom, knowledge, information, and/or data on alloy properties, grades, corrosion resistance, fabrication, and use of titanium, zirconium, and other reactive metals (e.g., niobium, tantalum), in process (chemical) industries.

  last person joined one month ago

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