Plan Before a Construction-Related Crisis


Crises happen in any industry—including the construction industry. Whether the unexpected event is a medical/safety emergency, natural disaster, or personnel crisis dealing with unethical or illegal activities, they must be dealt with in the proper way.

Akram Saad of Hill International is presenting “Crisis Management for Construction Projects” on Thursday, Dec. 16, from 8:30–9 a.m. in the Phoenix Convention Center (Room 224 B). To operate in a “better safe than sorry” mindset, you’ll need to put a crisis management plan in place.

This session will help you consider a few items now:

  • how a crisis would impact your clients, employees, suppliers, and the public.
  • what the critical steps to improve an existing crisis management plan are
  • how to create a new crisis management plan
  • what team members should be on your crisis team
  • what potential crisis scenarios you may encounter

According to the event summary, “Anticipating a crisis is not meant to be a scare tactic. It is simply a way of preparing you for a potential event that could have a detrimental effect on the operation of your company if not planned for and managed appropriately. Additional critical steps must be taken to manage a crisis, what the crisis plan itself should entail, and crisis management during and after the crisis… No matter the size of the project, advanced planning is central to your company’s ability to survive an emergency.”