Metropolitan New York Section - Section Membership Chairman

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Signup Deadline: 04-28-2017
Starts: 05-01-2017
Ends: 06-20-2018
Location: Online Opportunity


Description:  Appointed by Section chairman for three-year term of office, extending from July 1 through June 30. Accountable to governing board and Area membership chairman.

Serve as member of the area membership committee. 

Should be a member or past member of the Section governing board when possible.


  1. Promote membership in NACE
  2. Transmit policies and activities of the national membership committee to Section members.
  3. Maintain an updated list of Section members.
  4. Give new members and nonmembers all appropriate promotional literature.
  5. Participate in local industry shows and at meetings of other technical societies to promote NACE membership.
  6. Assist the Section in encouraging all categories of membership in NACE, especially encouraging members from companies to have corporate memberships.
  7. When monthly reports of new members in the Section are available online from Headquarters, make timely contact with those new members to encourage involvement in Section activities.
  8. Make certain that new members are welcomed at Section meetings.
  9. Invite special guests and prospective members to Section meetings and other functions, encouraging them to become members of NACE.
  10. Cooperate with area membership chairman in obtaining new members.
  11. Attend membership meetings and workshops.
  12. Follow policies of the area membership committee.

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)




Cindy Tracy